为了满足视觉外观和空气动力学的高标准,MANSORY 的设计师巧妙地重塑了劳斯莱斯SUV的前部。新设计的前裙板上更大的进气口与新的碳纤维轻质引擎盖相结合,现在让这位杰出的英国血统拥有了更加动感的面孔。侧翼、侧裙和后方也进行了重新设计,一方面可以使侧面的气流平静下来,另一方面可以使“MANSORY Coastline”显得更低沉、更细长。为了减少后轴的升力,MANSORY 的设计师在原尾门上安装了一个优雅的扰流唇,从视觉上将其与后裙板相匹配。
In order to meet the high standards of visual appearance and aerodynamics the MANSORY designers subtly reshaped the front of the Rolls-Royce-SUV. Larger air intakes in the freshly designed front apron combined with a new carbon fibre lightweight bonnet now give the distinguished Briton a much more dynamic face. But the flanks and the rear have also been redesigned. In addition, the side skirts have been redesigned so that on the one hand they calm the airflow on the flanks and on the other hand they make the "MANSORY Coastline" appear both lower and more elongated. To reduce lift forces at the rear axle, the MANSORY designers mounted an elegant spoiler lip on the original tailgate and adapted it visually to the likewise redesigned rear apron.
为了满足视觉外观和空气动力学的高标准,MANSORY 的设计师巧妙地重塑了劳斯莱斯SUV的前部。新设计的前裙板上更大的进气口与新的碳纤维轻质引擎盖相结合,现在让这位杰出的英国血统拥有了更加动感的面孔。侧翼、侧裙和后方也进行了重新设计,一方面可以使侧面的气流平静下来,另一方面可以使“MANSORY Coastline”显得更低沉、更细长。为了减少后轴的升力,MANSORY 的设计师在原尾门上安装了一个优雅的扰流唇,从视觉上将其与后裙板相匹配。
The selective use of "forged carbon" components on the entire vehicle body all around further underlines the modern and superior look of the stately Cullinan. In combination with the elegant two-tone paintwork in matt "oceanblue" and contrasting "secret silver" above the window line, all conversion measures on the "MANSORY Coastline" exterior add up to a harmonious whole that is unparalleled.
在整个车身上有选择使用“锻造碳”部件,进一步突出了mansory定制版库里南外观的现代化和优越性。结合“海洋蓝”的优雅双色调绘和窗户线上方对比鲜明的“秘密银”,这些装饰与“MANSORY Coastline”外部的所有部件加起来形成了一个无与伦比的和谐整体。
MANSORY Coastline, another complete vehicle conversion from MANSORY based on the Rolls-Royce Cullinan. A complete vehicle conversion in matt two-tone special paint called oceanblue & secret silver, all aerodynamic body parts in forged carbon and a full leather interior in the colour turquoise, power increase to 610 PS and 950 Nm and limited to a strong number of only 8 conversions
MANSORY Coastline,另一个完整的汽车基于劳斯莱斯库利南定制的车型。全车改装采用哑光双色调特殊漆,名为海洋蓝和秘密银。所有空气动力学车身部件采用锻造碳材料,全内饰采用绿松石色,功率增加到610PS和950Nm,全球仅限8台车。
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- 下一个:MANSORY库里南Billionaire
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